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Department: Design and Technology Futures (MSC)

Robert Männa

INNO is a digital platform for youth between the age of 15-20 to assist them in connecting their interests and skills with real-life experiences offered by third-party organisations. The proposed service aims to bring the distanced stakeholders closer together and bridge a gap between the youth and their access to experience. Helping youth to find …

Regina Tagger

The work focuses on heart transplant patients and co-designing better care services with them. The thesis looks through the ecosystem view of the connected actors, and implements social- and service design into the hospital environment. The concept is based on the main themes of transparency, accessibility, community, need for a specialised support network, and patient …

Larissa Maria Pelke

The co-existence of food waste and food insecurity is one of the most reasonless problems of humanity. In Estonia, most food waste occurs on a household level while more Estonians suffer from food insecurity due to increasing prices and unexpected disruptions such as pandemics and war. Due to research results, private households would save more …

Aire Aasmäe

MOMENTA Rethinking gift-giving by choosing time over things Momenta is a digital platform that encourages people to spend intentional time with the people they care for by creating personal traditions. It enables collaboration for the creation and capture of shared experiences and meaningful moments by initiating and mediating conversation around personal needs and preferences in …

Cätlyn Tamm

VÄLI is a collaborative service platform for connecting exhibition professionals to support the sustainable planning and organising of exhibitions. The platform allows for leftover objects and materials to be uploaded to a digital environment, where they can be booked by other members for further use. The platform also incorporates physical storage options for objects and …

Tiina Ree

Increasing consumer knowledge about fashion’s wastefulness has pushed the industry to look toward sustainable strategies. Approaches such as the circular economy and slow fashion emphasise longevity and circularity, endorsing companies to improve business models by introducing rental, lease, resale, and repair services. Although sustainability efforts exist, they do not operate on a broader scale. In …

Lisett Mitendorf

SPARCEL is a residential neighbourhood service that makes last mile parcel delivery a natural part of a social and active lifestyle. The solution includes a physical environment and a digital platform.  The physical space is a hub in the heart of a residential area that provides storage for delivered parcels as well as a place for …