Kätlin Värno
- Design and Technology Futures
- Hydrogen transition at TalTech campus
- Tutor: Martin Pärn and Hardi Koduvere
To fight against the temperature rise in the world, decarbonizing the existing TalTech energy system through hydrogen transition with the help of renewable energy is making the grid climate-neutral, flexible, secure, and reducing costs by 2035. Hydrogen price should be 100 EUR/MWh as today’s natural gas price by 2035.
Hydrogen system model
The model consists of different energy production units and system logic that are described with the following points:
Energy and fuel import: hydrogen and renewable energy;
Export: renewable energy;
Hydrogen production: electrolyser (PEM);
Hydrogen storage: compressed hydrogen tank
Electricity production: solar park(PV), heat and electricity combustion plant (CHP);
Heat production: hydrogen electrolyser (PEM), heat and electricity combustion plant (CHP), heat pump.
Doing further research and piloting the research project can become one of the actions to achieving TalTech energy system climate neutrality by 2035. The Estonian economy will benefit even more from this, where the project would help develop the creation of hydrogen regulations and infrastructure and the growth of engineers in the hydrogen industry. On a global scale, TalTech would be one of the innovation leaders in the hydrogen industry.
In addition to the proposed hydrogen system, TiVo- TalTech Inseneriteaduskonna Vesinikuorganisatioon is created to lead the research projects and connect stakeholders while raising hydrogen knowledge in society.