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Department: Textile Design (MA)

Birgit Uibo

The aim of the practical part of my master’s thesis is to test the concept of From Table to Table – as what comes from the table also returns to the table, in a cycle of creation. It consists of the following stages – Cooperation with the restaurant – Collection of their plant food residues …

Ketlin Kuusing

The master’s thesis unfolds the spatial – material and cultural – spiritual phenomenon of the carpet. The carpet creates a meaningful place that marks the human’s connection with it’s spatial environment. The stories about carpets provided in the thesis begin with a sense of self and space. The everyday nature of the carpet began to …

Claudia Marcela Diaz Reyes

Punching Longing is an investigation that takes longing into account.  Through music, this work explores weaving as a method of translating memories, taking Colombia and a specific context as a starting point: its internal conflict.  And it asks “what does a relative of a person presumed disappeared remember?” A woven journey through music that wants …

Zane Shumeiko

I stitch, touch, listen and observe the sounds and textures that appear when the sewing machine’s needle stitches material, creating a series of multilayered artworks on paper. I represent it with the title Shu-shu-shum, meaning sound and noise making.  I explore the process of free-motion machine embroidery as a multi-sensorial experience (vision, sound, touch, smell). …