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Department: Faculty of Design

Emma-Liisa Kalvik

Every moment involves some action. On every occasion, there may be a situation where we are involved, and often it is not a pleasant one.  Our thoughts are the beginning of our feelings that may provoke emotion, a reaction to the situation. It depends on us what kind of response we choose and how deeply …

Derin Baykal

The purpose of this project is to explore the experience of an adult who migrated and is required to acquire a foreign language. Based on this I experimented with the tools of interaction design to alleviate the problems encountered during this journey. To study this process, I conducted extensive research on themes ranging from linguistic …

Diandra Rebase

Do you know the feeling? The feeling you have after leaving a long and eventful party minutes after the sunrise? The feeling of sneaking to the door past drunken animals and sleeping unfortunates, the feeling of smoke-filled air and a sticky floor that by now looks almost glazed in a varnish of liquor. The feeling …

Björn Giesecke

Silence After Early Hours (first-ever) EKA GD MA Graduation Show  Do you know the feeling? The feeling you have after leaving a long and eventful party minutes after the sunrise? The feeling of sneaking to the door past drunken animals and sleeping unfortunates, the feeling of smoke-filled air and a sticky floor that by now …

Louise Borinski

Silence After Early Hours (first-ever) EKA GD MA Graduation Show  Do you know the feeling? The feeling you have after leaving a long and eventful party minutes after the sunrise? The feeling of sneaking to the door past drunken animals and sleeping unfortunates, the feeling of smoke-filled air and a sticky floor that by now …

Paula Buškevica

Do you know the feeling? The feeling you have after leaving a long and eventful party minutes after the sunrise? The feeling of sneaking to the door past drunken animals and sleeping unfortunates, the feeling of smoke-filled air and a sticky floor that by now looks almost glazed in a varnish of liquor. The feeling …

Kaija Kohlmann-Genno

We do not need to be perfect; everyone has scars and imperfections. Accepting it will make our lives much happier. All blows, injuries, shards, scars are part of us, one needn’t hide them, because they make us who we are. Scars help us to be unique and original. If we are ready to accept the …

Claudia Marcela Diaz Reyes

Punching Longing is an investigation that takes longing into account.  Through music, this work explores weaving as a method of translating memories, taking Colombia and a specific context as a starting point: its internal conflict.  And it asks “what does a relative of a person presumed disappeared remember?” A woven journey through music that wants …