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Madis Mattus

  • Jewellery and Blacksmithing
  • BA
  • Tutor: Piret Hirv, Eve Margus
  • Sand casting
  • 19.75mm - 225mm

Honestly, what a fucking waste of money. That’s what I expect the observer’s greed to tell me. Money has a very powerful effect on the mind and taps into a very selfish place. So how do you know that money holds influence over you? How do you know if you have enough? You don’t, others do. The majority of people, especially the wealthy, know the language of money and how influential it is: it whispers ideas and thoughts into your mind, builds confidence in your ideas, actions, speech, etc. Despite the greed, I focus on dismissing the current manipulative effect from money and giving it a new yet aesthetically pleasing value, a sentiment that can’t be spent.